
How To Do Gardening In a Small Space With Several Methods

Gardening in a narrow area around the house can be your choice. You don't have to use large land, even in wherever land you belong.  Are you interested? You can enjoy this activity, even if you just have to do gardening in a narrow area.

Having gardening hobby provide some benefits, such as:

• Make the house environment look greener.
• Make the air in the house cool.
• Have some quality time and enjoy the hobby

Quite a lot of benefits, isn’t it? If  You're getting interested, but still confused because of the limitations of the space, don't be afraid, it's not the right time to worry about gardening in a narrow area around the house. We can still manage our narrow space to make a good garden in our house

Gardening Small space

How to do gardening in a small space

The limitations, sometimes, can make people more creative. Even though you don't have large land, you can still grow fruit... When your neighbor has a large yard in harvesting fruit, you can do it too. Planting fruits in a small place can be done in pots.

Gardening Small space

Nowadays, there are many choices of fruits that you can plant in pots. Although the tree is short, the fruits are the same density as the tall towering fruit tree. Another point is that used large pot filled with fruit as an ornamental plant on the home page.

Now, lets we take a look for the easy method that we can do to start gardening in a small space:

1. Verticultural methods.

Gardening Small space
Wall can be used too
Please note that verticulture has a "vertical" base word. In accordance with these basic words, the verticultural method utilizes the vertical plane. Not only that, the method of farming is carried out in stages. Vertical culture method will only be suitable to be applied in cultivating vegetable plants. Vegetable plants that can be planted using this method are Kale, Celery, Mustard, Tomato, Pakcoi, etc.

2. Hydroponic Method

Before discussing further, we first recognize what hydroponics is. This method is one form of simple farming. Uniquely, this hydroponics does not use the land. As the name implies, namely "hydro" which means water, the planting medium from the hydroponic method does use water.

Gardening Small space

Gardening Small space

The hydroponic method has many techniques that can replace nutrients in the soil content. One technique that is popular and very easy for you to apply is hydroponic wick. The things you need to prepare are used plastic bottles and the stove axis.

3. Aeroponic methods

aeroponic comes from the word "aero" which means air and also the word "ponus" which means power. In essence, the aeroponic method utilizes air as its main planting medium. The roots of plants will hang over the air.

Gardening Small space

But the aeroponic method is still part of the hydroponic method because both do not use land as a planting medium, but water. The water used is simply sprayed directly on the roots of the plant. In this way, the nutrients that are present will be directly absorbed and flowed directly to all parts of the plant.

4. Tabulampot Method

Actually, the word tabulampot stands for "fruit plants in pots.", this method is already familiar and is often applied as a gardening attempt in a narrow area. You can use several tabulampot in your garden (at least 3-5 large pot) and start to plant the seed, at some condition tabulampot can be used for flower or vegetables too.

Gardening Small space
Using Large pot
Now after look at the method let see what kind of things that we can do in a small space garden side. Below is the list of things that we can plant in a narrow space garden.

Small Garden Fruit and Vegetables

1. Chili
Gardening Small space

Chilli is a plant of a million people that is very easy for you to find in your yard. This plant can be used as additional ingredients in your cook. If you already have your own chili plant, you don't need to worry if the price of chili is soaring. Recently, there are many different models of chilies that you can plant. Starting from the chili that can be consumed until the beautiful decorative chilies. Please choose according to your favorite type.

2. Tomatoes.

Gardening Small space

Tomatoes are included in the types of vegetables that are not fussy in terms of caring. So, it's not wrong if many gardeners who like to grow tomatoes in the yard. Fortunately, tomatoes don't take up much space and can be planted in pots.

And if it's fruiting, you just have to pick it up if you need it for chili or fresh vegetables. One type of tomato that you can plant is cherry tomatoes. This cherry tomato can make salads for your diet menu.

3. Jackfruit fruit

Gardening Small space

What happens if there is a mini version of the jackfruit tree? I direct myself to the garden collection, hehe. Now, there are lots of jackfruit tabulampot fruits that you can buy. This jackfruit tree will have a height of not up to 2 meters, but the fruit is thick on both sides of the stem. As a result, many people looked at jackfruit to be planted on narrow land.  But remember, it needs proper care so that this jackfruit is fruitful.

4. Figs

Gardening Small space

Figs are rising in the last early year in Asia. It tastes sweet and has a soft texture, making many gardeners fall in love with it. People are increasingly interested in cultivating figs because of their health benefits.

One of the reasons the gardeners are aiming for tin to make a garden collection because it’s a cute shape. With this unique shape, it will certainly provide an aesthetic value on your homepage.

5. Lemon

Gardening Small space

Another kitchen plant that you can choose is lemon. Besides being suitable for narrow land, lemon cultivation has economic value. It has a good price to sell. So, rather than running out of money in a supermarket, it's better to grow it yourself. If other people have to spend a lot of money to buy two lemons, you can just pick it up from your small garden.

6. Flowers

Gardening Small space

Not only fruits, but you can also take flowers from the nearest flourish store to enrich your pant collection in the yard. Having a beautiful shape and capable of producing an attractive aroma, the gardener was subdued by many kinds of flowers. By applying the aquaponics model, many kinds of flowers is suitable to be planted on narrow land. You can immediately realize your dream to plant beautiful kinds of flowers at home.

Oke guys that's the method for the gardening in small space, and you can try a lot of things with it. If you like fruit you can plant it on your garden side. Don't forget to subscribe and share this article if you like...Happy gardening guys
